Wildland Solutions has extensive experience with the development and implementation of Residual Dry Matter (RDM) monitoring plans. The publication "Monitoring Annual Grassland Residual Dry Matter" became available in 2008. This publication is an expanded version of the RDM photo guide originally published by Wildland Solutions in 1998. An RDM monitoring procedure developed and used by Wildland Solutions provides a step by step process. The monitoring procedure can be adopted directly for many projects, or modified as needed.

Do you or your clients have a desire to reduce maintenance costs related to ranch, fire, and utilities access roads?
Wildland Solutions has developed an easy-to-read field guide that communicates important road design and maintenance principles for unsurfaced dirt roads using highly effective graphics.

A RANGELAND ANALYSIS conducted by Wildland Solutions is designed to meet the specific needs of your ranch or agency.

GIS EXPECTED-USE MAPS that predict livestock use patterns for large rangeland areas can reduce costs and improve the efficiency of rangeland planning efforts. For details, read this article that has been published in the April 2000 Society for Range Management publication Rangelands.
Wildland Solutions is devoted to providing high quality products and services that are practical and useful for owners and managers of rangeland resources.

Keith Guenther founded Wildland Solutions in 1997 after working for the USDA Forest Service in Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and California. Keith has an extensive background in rangeland ecology, and administration of grazing and wildlife programs.
Read more about Wildland Solutions and its founder, Keith Guenther.